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Proud father Stephen Baldwin walks arm-in-arm through New York City with daughter Hailey to the After Earth premiere

May 31, 2013

It was a nice night for a walk.

Instead of sitting in Manhattan traffic like most New Yorkers, actor Stephen Baldwin enjoyed some family time with daughter Hailey as they walked to the After Earth premiere together on Wednesday evening.

Despite wearing high heels that made her even taller that her 5’10” father, the 17-year-old didn’t seem to mind walking through the Soho neighbourhood on a warm Spring evening as he protectively linked her arm.

Father-daughter bonding: Stephen and Hailey Baldwin walked to the New York premiere of After Earth together on Wednesday night

Father-daughter bonding: Stephen and Hailey Baldwin walked to the New York premiere of After Earth together on Wednesday night

Once they arrived at the star-studded event, the pretty blonde fitted right in on the red carpet in a short graphic print black and white dress, while the former Celebrity Apprentice contestant dressed down in a dark T-shirt and sports coat.

Concerned that it might get cooler as the evening went on, the teenager carried a stylish black leather jacket on her arm along with a neutral clutch purse.

Hailey tweeted her excitement about the movie opening that evening, saying: ‘After Earth premiere later! The getting ready process right now is rough.’

Date with dad: Hailey shared her excitement about their night out on Twitter, 'After Earth premiere later!'

Date with dad: Hailey shared her excitement about their night out on Twitter, ‘After Earth premiere later!’

The teen no doubt ditched her dad after they arrived to hang out with good friends Kylie Jenner and the film’s young star, Jaden Smith, who she had been out with for lunch earlier that day at Nobu 57.

She was no doubt delighted to rub shoulders with a host of other Hollywood celebrities at the premiere, including Jaden’s father and costar, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, and Justin Bieber.

Hailey is the Usual Suspect actor’s youngest daughter with his graphic designer wife, Kennya Baldwin, who he married in 1990.

Professional pair: After growing up in the spotlight, Hailey is used to being photographed on the red carpet

Professional pair: After growing up in the spotlight, Hailey is used to being photographed on the red carpet


Happy families: Stephen and Hailey always spend plenty of quality time together

Happy families: Stephen and Hailey always spend plenty of quality time together

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